definitions and clips (use tube chop to edit them) for the following sound
Sound is called diegetic when its source is visible or implied in the world of the film. Common diegetic sounds present in most films are actors speaking to each other (dialogue), sounds originating from any object on the screen, like footsteps and police sirens and finally music that comes from a sound system or orchestra.
Sound is said to be nondiegetic when its source is not present or implied in the narrative universe. Common instances are music or score, used to augment emotions, actor’s commentary or narration and also any extra sound added for effect.
Synchronous sound includes all noises whose origins can be seen on-screen. In a "two-shot" conversation between two lovers you simultaneously see their lips flapping and hear the words they speak.
Asynchronous sound is the opposite to synchronous sound unsurprisingly. Therefore it means when sound comes from means that are not on the scene. An example of this would be when backing tracks are used to create affects such as tension.
A sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play, film, or other broadcast production.
•Sound motif
A sound motif is a reoccurring sound effect which can be associated with a certain "type" of character, setting, situation or idea. Sound motif's give the viewer an insight of what to expect from a certain character perhaps.
•Sound bridge
Sound bridges are one of the most common transitions in the continuity editing style, one that stresses the connection between both scenes since their mood (suggested by the music) is still the same.
A conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film.
Voice-over is a production technique where a voice that is not part of the narrative is used in a radio, television production, filmmaking.
Speaking directly to, otherwise acknowledging or doing something to the audience through this imaginary wall. Or in film and television, through a camera is known as "breaking the fourth wall.
•Sound perspective
Sound perspective refers to the apparent distance of a sound source, evidenced by its volume, timbre, and pitch. This type of editing is most common in how the audience hears film characters’ speech.
This clip from mad max fury road trailer is a great example of many of the sound editing skills. Firstly as a Voiceover and as Non diegetic sound as you can hear the character talking over the clip but you can also take from the clip that the source of this sound is not shown on scene meaning it also non diegetic sound.
This clip is taken from the film inception and is a good example of Dialogue between two different characters. Also an example of Diegetic sound because the only sound heard is ones that also the characters can hear e.g. each other meaning no sound editing is used that the characters will not hear.
This clip is taken from wolf of wall street and is an example of Direct address to the audience. this is shown as he says "listen I know you're not following all this".
This clip taken from the edge of tomorrow is an example of many things such as Sound effects as many sounds cannot be physically created only digitally e.g. the falling of the big object near to the start. Also Sound bridging because as the mood changes and he dies and restarts all the sound stops and the mood is dramatically eroded then it restarts again increasing the intensity. Finally Sound perspective and Sound motif as the explosions are examples of sound motif as it shows it is a big sci fi battle scene and also sound perspective because you can tell how close or far the explosions may be o the main character.
Here is a video from Harry Potter's first film and is a great example of Synchronous sound as you can hear the sound of the train going past and also can see that it is coming from a train
Here is an example taken again from the film inception it is an example of Asynchronous sound because before the train coming towards the character on the tracks is actually shown you already know because you can hear it coming towards.